
All-Flash Arrays Generate New Interest in NVMe-Ready Fibre Channel

Celeste Crystal, Brocade Digital transformation is driving new requirements for scalability, performance, and high IOPs/low-latency for storage, with access to data becoming more critical than ever. Advanced flash memory technologies are forcing an evolution of storage requirements that must simultaneously enable faster access to data while accommodating growing capacity, all at decreasing costs. By many [...]

2017-07-31T12:42:27-05:00July 28th, 2017|

Storage Fabric Options with NVMe

Rupin Mohan, HPE The SCSI protocol has been the bedrock foundation of all storage for more than three decades and it has served (and will continue to serve) customers admirably. SCSI protocol stacks are ubiquitous across all host operating systems, storage arrays, devices, test tools, etc. It’s not hard to understand why: SCSI is a [...]

2017-07-31T12:41:14-05:00July 28th, 2017|

The Fibre Channel Roadmap

Scott Kipp, Brocade The heart and soul of any technology, and the industry association that stewards the technology, is its technology roadmap. Just like the term suggests, a roadmap shows not just the history of a technology, but also is a guide to where it is going and when it is going to get there. [...]

2017-07-31T12:38:57-05:00July 28th, 2017|


By Rupin Mohan, FCIA Marketing Chairman; Director R&D and CTO, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise It’s 2019, and Fibre Channel continues to remain the premier storage fabric connectivity protocol in today’s data centers. Fibre Channel is deployed by thousands of customers in their data centers around the world and 80–90% of all All-Flash storage arrays are connected [...]

2020-11-13T15:12:04-06:00July 28th, 2017|

Fibre Channel Solution Guide – 2017

Fibre Channel Solutions Guide 2017 The Solutions Guide Introduction The Fibre Channel Roadmap Storage Fabric Options with NVMe All-Flash Arrays Generate New Interest in NVMe-Ready Fibre Channel A Look at Fibre Channel’s Legacy – And Future Download PDF

2019-08-15T14:07:28-05:00July 28th, 2017|

Solutions Guide 2016

Table of Contents 4    Fibre Channel’s Growth Trend 6    The Fibre Channel Roadmap 8    Shared Storage with NVMe 10    Improving High Throughput Applications Performance with Gen6 Fibre Channel 16    Fibre Channel – The Most Trusted Fabric Delivers NVMe 18    Storage Forces

2017-05-18T15:08:04-05:00September 8th, 2016|

Fibre Channel’s Growth Trend

Mark Jones, FCIA President, Director of Tech Marketing, Broadcom Limited It’s amazing to reflect on where Fibre Channel is today since the completion of the standard in 1994. From that time until now we have witnessed some amazing changes in the computing industry, no longer is there a single solution that fits all but continuous [...]

2017-05-18T15:08:09-05:00September 8th, 2016|

The Fibre Channel Roadmap

A technology’s heart and soul is its roadmap Author: Scott Kipp Just like the term suggests, a roadmap shows the story of a technology. It is a guide to where it has been, where it is, where it is going and when it is going to get there. The more accurate the roadmap, the more [...]

2017-05-18T15:08:14-05:00September 8th, 2016|

Shared Storage with NVMe

Rupin Mohan, Director R&D, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Introduction Storage has served as the core example of disruptive technologies in a paper by Prof. Clayton Christenson of Harvard Business School. Prof. Christenson practically invented the term “Disruptive Technologies” with his HBS paper “Disruptive Technologies, Catching the Wave” in 1995 using the disk storage drive industry as [...]

2017-05-18T15:08:18-05:00September 8th, 2016|

Improving High Throughput Applications Performance with Gen6 Fibre Channel

Mark Jones, FCIA President, Director of Tech Marketing, Broadcom Limited In early 2015, the Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA) announced the completion of a collection of new INCITS T11 standards referred to as Gen6 Fibre Channel. As the name suggests, Gen6 points to the sixth generation on the Fibre Channel roadmap fundamentally defining the single [...]

2017-05-18T15:08:22-05:00September 8th, 2016|

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